The University Catering Service is committed to providing a sustainable choice for staff, students and the public. We aim to minimise the impact of catering operations on the environment and promote sustainable practices and consumption.
In 2016 we implemented our Sustainable Food Policy (since updated in 2019). The Policy was formed using up to date research and we implemented it successfully within our catering operations. The main changes were:
1. To eliminate the use of ruminant meat (beef, lamb) and to reduce the consumption of other meats
2. To promote the consumption of plant-based foods
3. To avoid unsustainable fish
4. To reduce the amount of waste we produce
Last year, research was conducted to find the impact of our Sustainable Food Policy, by comparing CO2 emissions and land use from the food purchased in 2015 (pre-policy implementation) and 2018 (post-policy implementation). We found an impressive reduction in CO2 emissions of 33% per kilogram of food due to the Policy changes! Below you can read the just-published Our Sustainable Food Journey (just click on the picture).
For more information on our Sustainable Food Policy, please see the launch video below.
We are proud of our awards which reflect our hard work on sustainable food:
- Winner, 2018 TUCO Sustainability Award
- Winner, 2017 Green Gown Awards in the Food and Drink Category
- Finalist, 2017 TUCO Sustainability Award
- Finalist, 2016 THELMA for Sustainable Procurement
- Finalist, 2016 Green Gown Awards in the Food and Drink Category